Sunday, August 8, 2010

Instructions for the Commode

First things first. Let's figure out how to use the toilet. It is a pretty critical part of life (especially in India!)

Tips for the Toilet:
  1. Do not squat Indian style on the commode seat
  2. The right way to sit on the commode is as if you're sitting on a chair
  3. Clean yourself with toilet paper and flush it down the commode
  4. Do not throw used toilet paper in the garbage
  5. Do not throw paper towels in the commode as they will choke it
  6. Cover the commode with the seat cover after use

Please click to enlarge so you can see the full awesomeness.

Oh where do you even start with this?! I do, however, appreciate instructions since as you may know, things operate differently in different countries. I probably would have just stood on the toilet if I hadn't been told not to.


  1. use seat cover for better hygienic!

  2. You know you've been with Riki too long when your entire blog post is about poop.
